A simple process is available to over a few years to feed a billion people using the same simple maths used by network marketers. Some aid agencys are starting to move in this direction, this article is designed to simply make the whole process happen more quickly and systematically.
Certain strategies need to be in place to impliment this process robustly.
Firstly, a solid base.
You need to create an ongoing food creation centre to feed baseline village systems. For simplicity, I've used villiages of 100 people which we will feed until they are operational, with an operational date of 3 months from starting ( the village is self sufficently abled to feed itself). Obviously, these figures will vary on a case by case basis, though we do need to establish clear baselines to work with and in some cases we will need to buy villages more land.
Now the part that makes it really pump.
Graham Stoate
Labels: Billion Sustainability |
What a great Idea why didn`t the UN think of this?