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Enlightened Solutions
to The 21st Centuries Challenges to The Earths Survival
Fish Smarter Than Humans?
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Dec 18, 2007
If we don't do something about climate change, we know our fate.

"They may look like fish out of water but these brown trout are involved in a cunning escape plan.

Stuck in a fish pond, the trout are jumping 1m in an attempt to get into a pipe which measures just 20cm across – and has water rushing out of it.

As if that wasn't enough of a challenge, those that finally get into the pipe then have to swim 10m against a strong current before popping out into a river at the other end. "

posted by speedquill @ 3:35 AM   0 comments
Ecotourism Destinations Kakum Canopy Walkway Ghana
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Dec 14, 2007
Kakum National Park offers a truly unusual experience: Its canopy walkway lets you traverse 1,000 feet of swinging bridges and tree platforms about 100 feet in the air to get a treetop view of the rainforest flora and fauna, including butterflies, birds and the occasional monkey. One note: If you have a fear of heights or moving bridges, this is probably not the tour for you.


posted by speedquill @ 2:18 AM   0 comments
California Reverse Your Mistake With Th Electric Car
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Californians are being taken for a ride by state clean-air regulators, who are bringing the rest of the country along.

Decisions made by the California Air Resources Board early next year will determine whether we get the option of driving zero-emission, non-polluting cars soon, or whether we'll see smoggy business as usual from the car companies for another decade.

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posted by speedquill @ 2:05 AM   0 comments
Is The Electric Car Deceased Or Not?
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My current electric vehicle, a Toyota RAV4 EV, also was discontinued a few years ago. This car costs me the equivalent of 60 cents a gallon to run. I never need to get a tune-up, change spark plugs or add water to the batteries or oil to the motor.

The only maintenance for the first 150,000 miles is to rotate my tires. This car is quiet, fast and emission free. I plug it in every night at home, and it charges on off-peak energy.

Even if it were getting power solely from electricity derived from coal -- a common criticism of electric cars -- my vehicle uses 50 percent less carbon dioxide than a 24 mpg gas car.

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posted by speedquill @ 1:54 AM   0 comments
Al Gore On Climate Change
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"But the outcome will be decisively influenced by two nations that are now failing to do enough: the United States and China."

While India is also growing fast in importance, it should be absolutely clear that it is the two largest CO2 emitters most of all, my own country, that will need to make the boldest moves, or stand accountable before history for their failure to act.

"Both countries should stop using the other's behaviour as an excuse for stalemate and instead develop an agenda for mutual survival in a shared global environment," Mr Gore said at a lavish ceremony in the Oslo city hall.


posted by speedquill @ 1:36 AM   0 comments
Kevin Rudd, A Big Player At The Bali Super Climate Summit
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Dec 10, 2007
Australia is a big player in Bali, the prodigal son who has returned to the fold. Rudd has pointedly set the bar high in his first week in office, speaking aspirationally of taking a leadership position, of committing to decisive action on climate change.

He will arrive tomorrow night set for his big Kodak moment on Wednesday when he will formally hand over Australia's documents of ratification to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. It will be a packed house, a standing ovation, a picture that will go straight to the pool room.


posted by speedquill @ 12:46 AM   0 comments
Bali Climate Change Summit: We Need Workable Solutions
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A Draft road map for a new global climate change deal after 2012 has revealed key divisions between rich and poor countries over who should bear the cost of making deep cuts in greenhouse emissions.

Climate change negotiators at UN talks in Bali yesterday released the first draft of the key negotiating mandate for a post-Kyoto agreement to be considered by world leaders, including Kevin Rudd, on Wednesday.

The draft document identifies the need for developed countries to reduce emissions by 25 to 40per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, although it does not commit any nation to specific cuts.


posted by speedquill @ 12:26 AM   0 comments
Witnessing The Extinction Of A Species
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Christmas Island's world-famous red crabs are facing extinction, along with many other unique species, according to an authority on the island's environment.

Dr Laurie Corbett said billions of tiny ants that could kill a crab in two hours had halved the crab population over the past 10 to 15 years and could, within a few years, threaten the species with extinction.

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posted by speedquill @ 12:13 AM   0 comments
How Much Will The Sealevels Really Rise?
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Dec 7, 2007
In 1995 the International panel on Climate Change issued a report which contained various projections of the sea level change by the year 2100. They estimate that the sea will rise 50 centimeters (20 inches) with the lowest estimates at 15 centimeters (6 inches) and the highest at 95 centimeters (37 inches). The rise will come from thermal expansion of the ocean and from melting glaciers and ice sheets. Twenty inches is no small amount -- it could have a big effect on coastal cities, especially during storms.

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posted by speedquill @ 2:13 AM   0 comments
Stop Unequitable Tree Planting; Bali Climate Summit 1
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Developing nations are being hit with an extra burden of western countrys buying cheap Carbon Credit Offsets from emerging nations in the form of tree planting.

Firstly, will these plantings be taking place on arable land formerly used for growing food, and what effect will this have on food prices in these emerging countrys.

Secondly, the price in Australia for Australian grown trees on one website is about $40 for the offsetting of your standard car. In Accra, about $7.

Thirdly, why no ongoing payment to keep up the maintenance of these trees. Thus providing a livelihood to an impoverished third world farmer. Plus the asset of agroforrestry.
posted by speedquill @ 12:16 AM   0 comments
Offsets Plus Renewables; Bali Climate Summit 2.
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If the UN were to mandate a equitable business model where developing countrys could plant trees at an equivalent western dollar amount.

The extra funds being used to expand the use of renewable energy resources in these developing nations; with any left-over funds enhancing education, hospitals and other infrastructure.
Perhaps then we could take all this "TALK" seriously.

Naturally, some price incentive could be allowed coupled with assurances, as to where the trees would be planted. This is a lucrative alternative for developing these countrys in a sustainable way.
Who wouldn't want to give in this way? There's no downside to this "ACTION".

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posted by speedquill @ 12:14 AM   0 comments
Equitably Greening Australia; Bali Climate Summit 3.
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Some people will hate me for this, but if it saves the whole world I don't really care.

Here in Australia, there is already precedent for adding extra functions to licence and rates payments to offset functions such as ambulance and emergency services.

This could be done equitably by spreading these payments over 3 to 5 years period.

This same structure could be used to make Australia the greenest nation in the world in a very short period of time. Simply by planting trees in our own country and providing extra employment.

We would probably spread these payments, as well as the plantings, over a 3 to 5 year period. This would provide a fast INTERIM solution to the climate change problem, while we continue to bring renewable energy resources into play.
posted by speedquill @ 12:11 AM   0 comments
Everyone Needs To Proceed As If Climate Change Has already Happened
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Though GHGs - mainly carbon dioxide - have led to dangerous levels of global warming already, it would "not be feasible for developing countries to make legally binding commitments to cap their emissions if they are to eradicate poverty", UNFCCC Executive Secretary Yvo de Boer said here Sunday on the eve of the summit.

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There is an answer on this page.

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posted by speedquill @ 12:03 AM   0 comments
Rapid Transition to Renewables With Political Will
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Dec 4, 2007
By the end of the 1990s,Germany had transformed itself into a renewable-energy leader. With a fraction of the wind and solar resources of the US, Germany now has almost three times as much installed wind capacity (38 per cent of global capacity) and is a world leader in solar photovoltaics as well.
Germany now generates 4.5 per cent of its electricity with the wind and appears on track to meet government targets of 25 per cent by 2025.

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posted by speedquill @ 3:40 AM   0 comments
Clean Water Is The Only Emission
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With the world choking on auto exhaust, the zero-emission fuel cell is increasingly seen as its green savior. Hydrogen fuel cells aren’t exactly new. They were invented by Briton Sir William Robert Grove in the 19th century but were not used until the 1960s’ Apollo and Gemini space missions.
Fuel cells can be compared to a car battery in that hydrogen and oxygen are combined to produce electricity. The cells are stackable flat plates, each one producing about one volt, the size of the stack determining the power output.

If pure hydrogen is used as fuel the only emission is clean water, with waste heat as a by-product.

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posted by speedquill @ 2:02 AM   0 comments

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