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Enlightened Solutions
to The 21st Centuries Challenges to The Earths Survival
View The Reality Of Global Deforestation For Yourself
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Mar 31, 2008
Satellite photos have recently detected as many as 70,000 fires burning simultaneously in the Amazon River rain forest.

To see more ( if you dare) of the devastation of rainforests. Click Here

To do something about your own global impact.

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posted by speedquill @ 8:34 AM   0 comments
Burying Our CO2 Deep
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Mar 29, 2008
Kurt Zenz House isn't the first scientist to suggest sequestering carbon dioxide in the ocean. But he is the first to come up with a solution that might actually work.

The key is depth. Whereas other plans to sequester carbon in the ocean were plagued by fears that the CO2 would escape, House advocates going much deeper—at least three thousand meters, or two miles below sea level into the seabed.

At that depth, House hypothesizes that the extreme water pressure and low temperature will turn the carbon into a liquid denser than the surrounding water, forming a layer that will prevent it from rising back up into the ocean.


posted by speedquill @ 2:22 AM   0 comments
The Water Purifying Pollution Magnet. A Work Of Sheer Genius
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Eighty-two thousand people die from cancer in Bangladesh every year, many due to arsenic poisoning.

But building upon her discovery of a way to get rust nanoparticles to bind to arsenic, Vicki Colvin has invented a new, astonishingly easy way to clean the water supply:

Sauté a teaspoon of rust in a mixture of oil and lye, which breaks down the rust into nano-sized pieces. Retrieve the rust particles with a household magnet. Then immerse the rust-covered magnet into a pot of contaminated water. Pull out the arsenic.

The system is up to a hundred times more efficient than existing methods, and requires no electricity or manufacturing infrastructure, so even the poorest of villagers can use it.

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posted by speedquill @ 1:57 AM   0 comments
Smashing Pumkins Herald Environment Minister Peter Garret
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Mar 28, 2008
When alternative rockers The Smashing Pumpkins played in Sydney last night, skirt-wearing frontman Billy Corgan gave a special acknowledgment to the Member for Kingsford Smith.

“So you’ve got the guy from Midnight Oil running stuff over here,” Corgan told the crowd at the Hordern Pavilion.

“He should come and fix things up in the US.”

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posted by speedquill @ 3:41 PM   0 comments
Humanity's Footprint: Momentum, Impact, and Our Global Environment
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Humanity's Footprint: Momentum, Impact, and Our Global Environment
For the first time in history, humans have exceeded the sustaining capacity of Earth's global ecosystems.

Our expanding footprint has tremendous momentum. The insidious explosion of human impact today is creating a shockwave that will threaten global ecosystems and their ability to support us for decades-possibly centuries.

Humanity's Footprint: Momentum, Impact, and Our Global Environment


posted by speedquill @ 3:00 PM   0 comments
Sydney Garbage Power
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Sydney’s garbage will be converted into enough green electricity to power 20,000 homes, the NSW government has announced.

EnergyAustralia has agreed to buy the 25 megawatts of electricity which will be produced by Veolia Environmental Service’s Woodlawn bioreactor, a landfill site located at a disused mine site near Goulburn.

Energy Minister Ian Macdonald says bioreactors like Woodlawn are better than normal landfill sites because they maximise gas production.

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posted by speedquill @ 11:44 AM   0 comments
Amazon, What If The Forest Was'nt There Anymore? Essential Oxygen #1
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Mar 21, 2008
The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% the world's oxygen supply.

The Amazon River pushes so much water into the Atlantic Ocean that, more than 160 kilometres or one hundred miles at sea off the mouth of the river, one can dip fresh water out of the ocean.

The volume of water in the Amazon river is greater than the next eight largest rivers in the world combined and three times the flow of all rivers in the United States.

So if we fell all the trees in the Amazon basin, we'll have 20% less oxygen to breathe world wide.

I guess we might be abled to live with that. I guess people forget we have to breath...


posted by speedquill @ 12:24 PM   0 comments
Oceans Produce 50% Of World Oxygen Supply. Essential Oxygen #2
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Marine plants in general, that's the phytoplankton of the oceans and the seaweeds themselves, they have produced more than 50% of the world's oxygen supply.

And they're binding up something in the order of 25% of the carbon that's produced. So they're a huge carbon sink. We get rid of those and we're in big trouble." Alan Millar

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posted by speedquill @ 12:02 PM   0 comments
Asbestosis A Disease That Could Have Been Prevented Continues To Occur. Essential Oxygen #3
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Just ask this very courageous human being, how important oxygen is.

Oh, you can't, because Bernie Banton is dead.

Asbestosis an essentially preventable disease continues to be a problem in our community and governments continue to turn a blind eye to it. Probably because it takes so long to take effect.

In almost every community you can easily find sources of contamination.

So whats my point, if the oceans die, and scientists have predicted 50 years. If the Amazon rainforests disappear.

That's 70% of our oxygen supply. Gone. For More


posted by speedquill @ 11:43 AM   0 comments
Altitude Sickness. What Happens When You Can't Breathe. Essential Oxygen #4
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"The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere at sea level is about 21% and the barometric pressure is around 760 mmHg.

As altitude increases, the percentage remains the same but the number of oxygen molecules per breath is reduced.

At 3,600 metres (12,000 feet) the barometric pressure is only about 480 mmHg, so there are roughly 40% fewer oxygen molecules per breath so the body must adjust to having less oxygen."For More

We are talking 70% less oxygen and most people have problems at 8,000 feet.

How will you do? I feel an oxygen tax coming on or perhaps the big money in the future will be in oxygen.

Of course, it is a long way off. Perhaps it is better to think ahead.


posted by speedquill @ 11:08 AM   0 comments
What Hillary Clinton Will Do For The Environment.
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Mar 20, 2008
To transition to a clean and renewable energy future, Hillary will urge all of the nation's stakeholders to contribute to the effort.

Automakers will be asked to make more efficient vehicles; oil and energy companies to invest in cleaner, renewable technologies; utilities to ramp up use of renewables and modernize the grid; coal companies to implement clean coal technology; government to establish a cap and trade carbon emissions system.

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posted by speedquill @ 11:32 AM   0 comments
Barack Obama On our Environmental Future
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"Environmentalism is not an upper-income issue, it's not a white issue, it's not a black issue, it's not a South or a North or an East or a West issue. It's an issue that all of us have a stake in," Obama shouted.

"And if I can do anything to make sure that not just my daughter but every child in America has green pastures to run in and clean air to breathe and clean water to swim in, then that is something I'm going to work my hardest to make happen."


posted by speedquill @ 11:09 AM   0 comments
McCartney's Kangaroo Cull Protest: I take Issue With His Rhetoric
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Mar 13, 2008
I have no problem with Paul McCartney's attempts to have these kangaroos moved to a better location; to me this is the prefered outcome.

However, as to his assertion, "There is an urgent need for action to protect kangaroos from a barbaric industry which slaughters them for meat and leather," he said in the message. ( in IBN News.)

The humble kangaroo is one of the least damaging animals for the Australian environment, far less than cattle and sheep.

So will he be campaigning for stopping all animals being killed for for meat as well or was this just a glib and catch cry for attention.

Especially when there would be ample recourse under australian law to simply have the animals humanely removed. You have the money use it wisely.

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posted by speedquill @ 5:20 PM   0 comments
The Renewable Sustainability Of An Interesting Mind.
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Fencing Paradise: The Uses and Abuses of Plants

Mabey is controversial in his views about what we mean by buzz words like 'renewable', or 'sustainable', and he is highly provocative in his final response to the Eden Project itself.


posted by speedquill @ 5:00 PM   0 comments
What Is Cosmetic Eco-Friendly Anyway?
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Mabey argued this is peddling a bubble of illusion for people who hanker for "a kind of refuge in the green" but don't want to think a great deal about the natural world, or relate to it.

What is being marketed as "green living" isn't bunking down with the wild wonders of nature, but an air-brushed concept of nature as a kind of property make-over.

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posted by speedquill @ 4:37 PM   0 comments
Wood Smoke Particles. Imagine The Damage They Do Around The World.
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Mar 8, 2008
Smoke from wood burning, however, pumps four times more particulate pollution into the air as the dozens of power plants in the basin. And the pollution itself can be far more hazardous than other kinds of air pollution.

Wood smoke is mainly made up of particles 2.5 microns in size, or smaller. Such particles are estimated to cause 5,000 premature deaths in the basin each year. They can worsen heart and lung disease, and could cause cancer.

Imagine the damage wood smoke does around the world. We need to do better.


posted by speedquill @ 11:47 PM   0 comments
China's Pollution Secret You Decide
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Mar 7, 2008
If this device is abled to reportedly reduce your petrol you use to travel the same distance by half and make your engine run cleaner.

Then could it be modified to reduce pollution from every polluting factory in China.

Wouldn't it be worth a look? Click Here.

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posted by speedquill @ 3:14 AM   0 comments
China's Pollution Problem In This Olympic Year
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BEIJING — China's premier promised in a major speech Wednesday to cut pollution emissions, conserve energy and shut down outmoded and inefficient factories in heavily polluting industries such as electricity, coal and steel.

"First, we will implement the plan to close down backward production facilities in the electricity, steel, cement, coal and papermaking industries," Premier Wen Jiabao said.

China's double-digit economic growth has come with a surge in heavily polluting industries such as manufacturing and energy. The country is home to 16 of the world's 20 most heavily polluted cities. ( Read Full Article)

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posted by speedquill @ 2:57 AM   0 comments

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