Solar Cars. Can They Be Trully Independent?
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Feb 29, 2008 |
Scientists have invented a plastic solar cell that can turn the sun's power into electrical energy, even on a cloudy day.
The plastic material uses nanotechnology and contains the first solar cells able to harness the sun's invisible, infrared rays.
A hydrogen-powered car painted with the film could potentially convert enough energy into electricity to continually recharge the car's battery. ( Read More.)Labels: efficiency, electric cars, solar |
posted by speedquill @ 3:14 PM  |
Solar Cells More Efficient By Up To 5 Times.
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Scientists have invented a plastic solar cell that can turn the sun's power into electrical energy, even on a cloudy day.
The plastic material uses nanotechnology and contains the first solar cells able to harness the sun's invisible, infrared rays.
The breakthrough has led theorists to predict that plastic solar cells could one day become five times more efficient than current solar cell technology. (Read More?)
Labels: nanotechnology, solar, solutions |
posted by speedquill @ 3:00 PM  |
Biofuel Mandate Need Not Put Upward Pressure On Fuel Prices
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Feb 26, 2008 |
With the advent of Biodeisel produced from Algae it is unnecessary and stupid to use food crops as a source for biofuel production. The amounts of algal biodeisel that can be produced on a similar acreage to corn is trully remarkable. With the possibility of an almost zero waste output.
At present their is some talk that this process is currently more expensive, but isn't attempting to shut down of the ecosystem in which we live going a bit far, too?
We need to spend the money needed to make this process work here in Australia and since some algae forms grow in salt water wouldn't that make it even more viable.
Labels: algae, biodiesel |
posted by speedquill @ 2:03 AM  |
Walkability Must Be A Design Feature In Every Community
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Once our most important and common transport mode, walking has been replaced by motor vehicle travel. Car ownership in Perth is the highest of any capital city in the world with 725 cars per thousand inhabitants.
Four in every five trips made by Perth residents is by car, about 10% of trips are made entirely by walking.
Everyday in WA's cities and towns people make over 240,000 car trips of less than 1 km (10 minute walk). TravelSmart data indicates that at least 20% of these could be walked.
A focus on ensuring local communities are walkable can reduce unnecessary car trips.
For An Exceptional Article On WalkingLabels: alternative energy |
posted by speedquill @ 1:55 AM  |
Global Warming And Palm Oil. Getting The Science Right.
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Feb 22, 2008 |
Having been shown up to be less than kosher in their attempts to discredit palm oil as a healthy vegetable oil, CSPI then quickly changed tack and proceeded to make unfounded allegations of massive deforestation by oil palm plantations. Leading allegedly to global warming and the destruction of habitat for the orang utan and pygmy elephants in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Sensing a chance to gain a financial windfall in the form of increased government, corporate and public funding, environmental NGO’s such as the Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace and Wetlands fell over each other in joining the queue to drum up a chorus and cacophony of apelike noises echoing CSPI’s sly stratagem to question and discredit the palm oil industry’s environmental record.
“Palm oil: Cooking the Climate”, a banal position paper issued by Greenpeace recklessly supported those unproven allegations.
You'll have to go halfway down the page to find it, but an interesting article that spells it out.
" We Must Get The Science Right"Labels: global warming, Palm Oil |
posted by speedquill @ 3:53 AM  |
Environmental Picture Just Keeps Getting Worse
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A WORSENING global warming scenario means the Rudd Government should set a more ambitious greenhouse reductions target than it took to the federal election.
Prof Ross Garnaut, author of an interim report on climate change, said yesterday Australia had to take the lead on dealing with climate change because it potentially faced the greatest dangers.
He also warned that tackling greenhouse emissions would drive up electricity prices, hit low-income earners and bite into the profits of major industries such as cement-making, and steel and aluminium smelting. Labels: environment, global warming |
posted by speedquill @ 3:35 AM  |
Check out The Australian Governments Greenfleet Site
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Feb 18, 2008 |
Greenhouse gas emissions are directly related to your car's fuel consumption, so choosing a fuel-efficient car and being responsible about how you use it will reduce its impact on the environment.
If you're buying a new car, choose a fuel-efficient vehicle from the class of vehicle that best suits your needs ... - Consult the fuel consumption sticker displayed on new and used vehicles.
- Check and compare the car's environmental credentials using the federal government's Green Vehicle Guide.
For More Labels: efficiency |
posted by speedquill @ 1:54 AM  |
Using Jatropha For Biofuels In Haiti
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Feb 14, 2008 |
Jatropha curcas is an important feedstock for the production of biofuels. Its widespread use in India and Egypt is gaining popularity as a quick growing source of oil-bearing nuts that can be pressed to produce biodiesel products.
Jatropha has also been a crop of choice in development programs in Africa where local villages have grown Jatropha on small plots of land and have hand-pressed the oil for use in generators, sewing machines and small motors.
Glycerin, a by product of Jatropha oil, can also be used to produce soap.
For an excellent article on its use in Haiti for local economic development biodiesel |
posted by speedquill @ 1:00 AM  |
Give A Valentines Day Gift That Touches Forever
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Feb 3, 2008 |
Instead, of the usual gift of roses or lilys or chocolates. Why not give her something that lasts forever?
Why not offset the emissions from her car? So that everytime she drives it, she knows she's helping to save our world. And you were the person who set that up for her. And of course, if you're a her, you might just do it for him, too. Labels: carbon neutral |
posted by speedquill @ 1:44 AM  |
As The Weather Worsens Due To Global Warming We All Need to Take Precautions
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Feb 2, 2008 |
A spike protector, like most modern home appliances, is designed to be plugged into a 3-prong electric wall socket connected to an independent ground, as well as to the power-in and power-out lines.
The wire ground (designed to handle accidental shorts between the power lines and an appliance's metal housing — blowing fuse or circuit breaker in the process, but saving you a shock) is essential if a spike protector is to function.
Click Here For The Full Article On Lightning and Electricity Protection
Labels: global warming, weather |
posted by speedquill @ 12:51 AM  |
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