Don't Think They Were Meant To Let This Little Space Shuttle Secret Slip Through Just Yet.
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May 30, 2008 |
It's amazing what you can recycle in a closed system isn't it.
"Water-recycling technology has not been installed on the ISS because the shuttle visits the ISS regularly. The shuttle creates water during flight because it uses fuel cells that "burn" hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity.
Fuel cells are a very cool technology that's just starting to reach the point where it's feasible to think about having one in the basement to provide clean and reliable electricity for your house without an electricity network. They have been used on the shuttle for nearly 20 years.
Anyhow, as a result, when the shuttle docks it has bags and bags of pure water. This is water is de-ionised and taken to the ISS, where it is stored in great big balloons. I think there can be several tons of water in the station at any given time. As a result, the ISS isn't yet as aggressive about recycling urine as Mir was.
I think the plan calls for urine recycling to come on stream at a future date, when the crew will be expanded and the shuttle visits might not bring enough water. Also, if we are going to get to Mars and beyond, we need to be able to recycle 100% of the food and water, which means both solid and liquid waste, and the ISS may well get to test drive some of those systems in the future. " - Mark ShuttleworthAnd it might have just gone out with the sh-t and that was 2002. Labels: International Space Station, recycling, Space Shuttle, water power |
posted by speedquill @ 8:45 PM  |
How To Feed A Billion People And Be Able To Pay For It Part 1
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A simple process is available to over a few years to feed a billion people using the same simple maths used by network marketers. Some aid agencys are starting to move in this direction, this article is designed to simply make the whole process happen more quickly and systematically.
Certain strategies need to be in place to impliment this process robustly.
Firstly, a solid base.
You need to create an ongoing food creation centre to feed baseline village systems. For simplicity, I've used villiages of 100 people which we will feed until they are operational, with an operational date of 3 months from starting ( the village is self sufficently abled to feed itself). Obviously, these figures will vary on a case by case basis, though we do need to establish clear baselines to work with and in some cases we will need to buy villages more land.
Now the part that makes it really pump.
Graham Stoate
Labels: Billion Sustainability |
posted by speedquill @ 11:50 AM  |
The Maths Of Feeding One Billion People Pt 2
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Ok, so let's get right to it.
Firstly, we will assume a feeding centre that can feed 20 villages of 100 people has been established. This will also provide all the seedlings and tree stock for each villiage. Spreading the baseline here, makes the whole country move far more quickly towards sustainability.
So the Maths.
With 20 villages producing enough food to support 4 more 100 people villages at an arbitary 3 months to self sufficiency. That's 80 villages or 8,000 people self sufficient.
So 20 produces 80; In the next 3 months produces 320; In the next 3 months produces 1280; In the next 3 months produces 5120, so after one year 512 thousand people are fed; In the next 3months produces 20480; In the next 3months produces 81920; In the next 3months produces 327,680; In the next 3months produces 1310720, after 2 yrs thats 131 million fed and sustainable; In the next 3months produces 5,242,880; In the next 3months produces 10485760; that's over one billion people to sustainability in less than 3 yrs.
Before you question this, Ask yourself this
"Can we afford to not do this now?" Again!
-Graham Stoate
Labels: Billion Sustainability |
posted by speedquill @ 11:47 AM  |
How Do We Make Each 100 Person Village Self Suffucient Pt 3
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May 15, 2008 |
Firstly, We need to have water and a place to store it. So the first thing you need is a windmill that pumps water. That water is pumped into an above ground swimming pool liner held inside four walls of earth. This allows gravity feeding to be used in irrigating an extensive garden.
The reasons for doing this are two fold:
1. To fuel four more villages out of poverty, and this should be seen as payment for all the infrastructure we provide. So they did it, we didn't do it for them.
2. They continue to over produce so they can sell excess product to larger towns and citys.
3. By planting a diverse array of trees near by ( ie fruit, timber, native, bamboo, paper).
This sets us up for the next part "How to make the west willingly pay for it ."
Labels: Billion Sustainability |
posted by speedquill @ 8:40 PM  |
How To Pay For It And Mitigate The Greedy Half The World's Greenhouse Gases In The Process Part 4
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Many countries in the west are struggling with inflation and rising interest rates.
Plus we have the added burden of trying to reduce our greenhouse emissions by quite extreme levels in a very short period of time.
By selling the offsets from the trees in the west, with a maintenance strategy in place, we can assure that three things:
1. We sell the offsets at western rates.
2. This means excess monies can be put into electricity generation from renewable energy sources IE solar and wind.
3. As the money is leaving these countries, with the offsets as a return, shouldn't this reduce inflation and thus interest rates?
This must be seen as only an interim measure to get global warming and climate change under control. This is only a small space for us to catch our collective breath.Labels: Billion Sustainability |
posted by speedquill @ 8:04 PM  |
A Carbon Neutral Bio Mass Plant
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A local biomass debris reclamation site takes limbs and grinds them up on site and turns them into wood fuel for wood-fired boilers for power production.
"It's basically carbon neutral," Ed Buford with the Angelina Fuels LLC said. "With fossil fuels you are adding carbon to the atmosphere when you burn it. With biomass, the carbon is already there, so you are not adding any new carbon to the atmosphere. It's better than coal-fired plants by far."(Link)
For More Detail on This Proposal
Labels: carbon neutral, renewables |
posted by speedquill @ 9:20 PM  |
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