Carbon Market Profit- Getting a Piece
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Jan 31, 2008 |

As I've been saying would happen, the world greenhouse gas credits market--driven by carbon--rose 80% last year.
The rise in carbon market profit, of course, can be attributed to mandatory emission cuts in Kyoto countries as well as to companies in the US seeking to green their image in world where the emission of pollutants is increasingly taboo
Labels: carbon neutral, green investing |
posted by speedquill @ 6:25 PM  |
50 Simple Steps To Stop Global Warming
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Jan 30, 2008 |
Global warming is the most important environmental issue facing mankind. Organized in a fun, easy-to-read format, this collection of 50 simple acts can help in the fight against global warming. The steps outlined are the most effective, practical ways to make the shift from a fossil-fuels based society to an exemplary and self-sustaining world power.--> Labels: global warming, solutions |
posted by speedquill @ 3:06 AM  |
Co2 Reductions By Serial Sequestration.
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"Just to explain 1-1=0 or serial sequestration again.
Rather than take a fossil fuel and pollute and then require an offset say in the planting of an equivalent number of trees ( not that re-forrestating the earth wouldn't be anything, but a good thing. )
Instead, to use a biofuel, for example biodiesel, and using it ( + 1 amount of CO2 ), then mitigating that pollution by creating the biodiesel again whether from grain or algae ( -1 amount of CO2 ), thus creating a zero balance. You can then do this forever."
Graham Stoate Labels: biodiesel, carbon neutral, CO2, Serial Sequestration |
posted by speedquill @ 1:47 AM  |
Stopping Climate Change Could Stem Economic And Environmental Disaster: Water Future 2
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The Himalayas contain the largest store of water outside the polar ice caps, and feed seven great Asian rivers.
Immediate action against climate change could slow the rate of melting, which is increasing annually. "The rapid melting of Himalayan glaciers will first increase the volume of water in rivers, causing widespread flooding," said Jennifer Morgan ( pictured ), then director of the WWF's Global Climate Change Programme. "But in a few decades this situation will change and the water level in rivers will decline, meaning massive eco and environmental problems for people in western China, Nepal and northern India." Labels: environment |
posted by speedquill @ 1:01 PM  |
Learning From Natures Genius
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 Who wouldn't want to mimic nature it's solar powered and any waste it produces is fuel, for a totally different part of the ecosystem. Isn't the fact life exists at all amazing beyond belief and isn't this what inspired Einstein to travel on the back of a light beam. Must read just for the inspiration the material provides.
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by NatureLabels: environment |
posted by speedquill @ 8:01 PM  |
Solarbees Environmentally Friendly Reservoir Management System
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Jan 26, 2008 |
 The SolarBee incorporates patented near-laminar radial flow technology that provides high-flow, long-distance circulation™ (LDC) to improve water quality in freshwater lakes and reservoirs, potable water tanks and reservoirs, wastewater ponds and lagoons, and estuarine environments.
Solar-powered, the energy savings from each unit is equivalent to about 220,000 kW hrs per year, or the annual energy requirements for about 20 homes or 25 passenger cars, thereby reducing equivalent carbon dioxide emissions (the leading Greenhouse Gas, GHG) by about 150 tons per year.
We need more responsible technology like this.
For More
Labels: corporate responsibility, solar, water purification |
posted by speedquill @ 11:25 PM  |
Clean Green Investing
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According to Vinod Khosla, founder of Sun Microsystems and one of the driving forces behind the once dominant information technology market, the growing climate crisis not only calls for immediate action, but is also starting to generate real financial opportunities.
Khosla notes that the risks associated with investment in "dirty" technologies, i.e. petroleum products, are rising and clean technologies may provide a lower risk alternatives.
Labels: green investing, renewables |
posted by speedquill @ 3:15 AM  |
Recycling Really Does Help Our Environment
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Using recycled copy paper from 100 percent recycled content, such as Harbor 100, instead of copy paper from 100 percent virgin forest fiber reduces total energy consumption 44 percent, net greenhouse gas emissions 38 percent, and particulate emissions 41 percent.
It also cuts both wastewater and solid waste in half and eliminates wood use entirely, according to the EPN report.
For MoreLabels: recycling |
posted by speedquill @ 2:39 AM  |
How Did Tesla's Radiant Energy Machine Work?
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Nikola Tesla had an Electric Pierce Arrowback in 1930, the ICE engine was replaced with an Electric Motor. The power source was a black box of radio tubes, in the glove compartment.
The box had an antenna sticking outand Tesla would fool with some tuners and tune in the right frequency and got 240 volts delivered through the air to his car. The car ran almost silent.
He had the car stashed in a barn near Niguera Falls. He was sending the energy from the Power Plant, some how. He said this power could be made possible for everyone. J.P.Morgan did not like the idea, because where do you put the meter?
Morgan stopped funding and Tesla's Wardencliffe Tower was taken down. We were denied FREE power. Now we pay for gas & SMOG. Labels: electric cars, tesla |
posted by speedquill @ 3:12 PM  |
Is It Possible To Run Your Car On Water?
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Jan 23, 2008 |
Well, water is supplemental to gasoline. However it is possible and VERY EASY to extract energy from water to run your car on water too.
I have a water-to-energy converters running in my cars since 2006. YOU CAN TOO. I'm about to tell you about a SIMPLE technology you can have right now, called . It's one of the most PRACTICAL free-energy devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness.
We have developed devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery, to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Brown's Gas or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy - while the end product is just WATER!
Mobile Magazine says "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water."
Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and MPG.
For the full skinny on his amazing technology, just click here. Labels: emission reductions, water power |
posted by speedquill @ 12:22 PM  |
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles
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Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are an emerging trend in automotive circles, and consumer interest is growing rapidly. PHEVs combine the environmental and economic benefits of pure battery electric vehicles with the extended range of a gas internal combustion engine to meet the needs of virtually all consumers.
Based on the success of Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs), several aftermarket companies are currently working to modify these vehicles to become PHEVs, by adding significantly larger battery packs, adjusting the operating software to allow for higher speed to be achieved in pure electric mode, and mounting a Delta-Q charger onboard.
Some large automakers are involved in trials of commercial PHEVs, and others are seriously investigating this solution to provide substantial increases in fuel economy, with 100+ mpg as the design goal.
Labels: electric cars |
posted by speedquill @ 11:27 AM  |
Biomass Sufficient To Displace 30 Percent Of US Petroleum Consumption
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Producing ethanol from cellulose promises to greatly increase the volume of fuel ethanol that can be produced in the U.S. and abroad.
A recent report found the land resources in the U.S. are capable of producing a sustainable supply of 1.3 billion tons per year of biomass, and that 1 billion tons of biomass would be sufficient to displace 30 percent or more of the country's present petroleum consumption.
Currently, Iogen Corporation in Ottawa, Canada produces just over a million gallons annually of cellulose ethanol from wheat, oat and barley straw in their demonstration facility.
Labels: biomass, cellulose, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 1:50 AM  |
I Know The Politicians Won't Get It, But 1-1=0.
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Jan 21, 2008 |
It amazes me how these people get elected, if you co-generate the biofuel ( for the pollies, you use the same fuel you are generating, there should be about a zero contribution to Ghg's, because they cancel each other out.
Using algae to produce biodiesel, the algae has to take up the same amount of co2 to produce the same amount of biodeisel it usually produces. Thus 1-1=0.
Oh, but you say what about the green waste. You burn it and run the emission after aclimatisation through the algae, until no co2 is left to return to the environment.
So you balance the emission everytime you produce an equivalent amount of biodeisel, thus zeroing the effect on the environment. Think about it.
Labels: algae, biodiesel, environment |
posted by speedquill @ 3:23 AM  |
British MPs fear effects of biofuels
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Better off with oil? : Producing some biofuels could emit more gases than fossil fuels, some critics warn, and lead to the demise of rainforests to make room for crops THE OBSERVER, LONDON Monday, Jan 21, 2008, Page 6
Controversial plans to make cars greener by using fuel made from crops and animal fat will be thrown into doubt this week when British members of parliament are expected to question whether they will do more harm than good.
Biofuels have been hailed as a green alternative to oil by some, but in the US, where there are massive plants converting corn, it has been criticized for making food more expensive and being environmentally unfriendly.
Labels: alternative fuels, emission reductions, stupidity |
posted by speedquill @ 3:14 AM  |
75% Reduction In Energy Costs With Geo-Thermal
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Up to 75% energy saving due to reduced energy consumption EarthLinked® offers the most energy efficient means of heating and cooling buildings in most areas.
Boasting a certified coefficiency of up to 8.0, Earthlinked systems reduces cooling costs an average of 30% as compared to a 10 SEER air conditioner, and heating costs by 75% as compared to electric heat.
Labels: environment |
posted by speedquill @ 2:53 AM  |
We Need More Initiatives Like Lunar Power
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A drama is unfolding in New York City's East River. This summer the Popsicles at a Gristedes supermarket on Roosevelt Island, midstream between Manhattan and Queens, will be kept icy by power generated just a stone's throw from the riverbank.
Anchored 30 feet down, six underwater turbines will turn day and night, driven by the tidal flows in the channel.
At a fish-friendly 35 rpm, the propellers will crank out up to 200 kilowatts of clean power, or roughly half the peak needs of the supermarket.
Labels: emission reductions, renewables, tidal power |
posted by speedquill @ 2:44 AM  |
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Without question, fresh water is our most precious resource, and as the population increases, so too will the cost of water.
The Desert™ Cube Waterless Urinal System is a simple and effective way you can help solve this economic and environmental challenge. Using natural microbial technology to control odours and the build up of uric scale, the Desert™ Cube system is rapidly transforming washrooms across Australia.
The benefits are not only in the massive water savings, but also in odour elimination, chemical free maintenance and improved hygiene.
Labels: environment, water savings |
posted by speedquill @ 2:25 AM  |
Future House USA Ready For China
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The Future House program is designed to promote energy-saving strategies and construction that will have a minimal impact on the global environment. Which is one reason that China, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is sponsoring the demonstration project.
Another reason that China has taken the lead is that while its economy has undergone a dramatic transformation, and the country is now a major participant in the global markets, one sector that has not kept pace is housing. "The need for housing is huge, especially in emerging countries like China," Bialecki says.
As a result, nearly five years ago, the construction ministry authorized the Future House project to demonstrate the latest concepts in renewable-energy sources, modern conservation technologies, environmental compatibility and sustainable construction practices from around the world.
For MoreLabels: eco friendly housing, environment |
posted by speedquill @ 2:09 AM  |
The Link Between Peace And The Environment In Indonesian Schools
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In a remote part of Central Java, Indonesia’s most populous island, there is a rather unusual form of environmentalism taking root.
Shadowed by the great Merapi volcano and surrounded by fertile fields of rice and sugarcane, a small school is graduating environmentalists whose commitment to the earth is not based on Western conservation texts but rather predicated in values derived from Islam.
The head of the school, Nasruddin Anshari, frequently uses the refrain “one earth, for all.”
Labels: environment, peace |
posted by speedquill @ 1:50 AM  |
Virgins New Climate Change Fund
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Unlike typical 'green' funds, The Virgin Climate Change Fund can invest in all industry sectors but will only invest in companies with lighter than average environmental footprints for their sector.
This 'lighter footprint' strategy aims to capitalise on research (1) which suggests that companies with a strong environmental focus can outperform their 'dirtier' competitors.
Labels: environment, green investing, renewables |
posted by speedquill @ 1:40 AM  |
Biomass The Way To Go In Ethanol Production
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Jan 17, 2008 |
The majority of ethanol produced in the United States is currently made from corn grain. It currently costs at least twice as much to make ethanol from cellulosic feedstocks than from corn.
Those high costs have thus far limited expansion of cellulosic technology beyond the demonstration phase, but an injection of government funding has sped the process in recent months.
The U.S. Department of Energy rolled out about $1.1 billion in funds to research bioenergy and build six commercial-scale biorefineries to help achieve the goal of increasing renewable fuels use to 36 billion gallons over the next 15 years.
Some or all of those six plants should be up and running in about two years.
Labels: alternative fuels, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 12:18 AM  |
How To Make Ethanol
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Jan 16, 2008 |
Everyday ingredients used in the tips on how to make ethanol are corn, wheat, sorghum, barley and potatoes. In Brazil, the world’s biggest manufacturer of ethanol, sugarcane is used to produce ethanol. There are also two processes by which you can learn how to make ethanol with and these are the dry mill process and the wet mill process. In the US, dry mill process is the one most often used when teaching others how to make ethanol with the starch content of the corn being fermented into sugar to be further distilled into alcohol. Labels: alternative fuels, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 12:57 AM  |
Producing The Next Generation Ethanol Without Using A Food Source
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Coskata is a biology-based renewable energy company. Our technology enables the low-cost production of ethanol from a wide variety of input material including biomass, municipal solid waste and other carbonaceous material.
Using proprietary microorganisms and patented bioreactor designs, we will produce ethanol for under US$1.00 per gallon.
"GM is enabling Coskata to produce the next generation of biofuels -- without using a food source -- making it economically viable and commercially available," Bill Roe, president and chief executive Coskata.
"Alternative transportation fuels are coming faster than people think . . . and will be available at a lower cost than people have imagined."
For MoreLabels: alternative fuels, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 12:13 AM  |
A More Responsible GM Invests In Ethanol Production From Biomass
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Jan 15, 2008 |
WARRENVILLE, Ill., Jan. 13 -- General Motors said Sunday that it has taken an ownership stake and formed a partnership with Coskata, a renewable energy start-up company that plans to produce ethanol from agricultural leftovers and municipal and industrial waste.
The partnership represents a rare foray by a major automaker into the production side of non-fossil fuels as GM and its rivals, under pressure from tougher U.S. fuel-efficiency standards, pursue a mix of fuel-efficient vehicles and technologies.
If all the flex-fuel vehicles produced by GM, Ford and Chrysler, plus those the companies have committed to producing by 2010, were to run on ethanol, they would displace 29 billion gallons of gasoline annually, or 18 percent of the projected petroleum usage at that time, Wagoner said.
Labels: alternative fuels, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 11:59 PM  |
Emerging Bio Fuel Technology From DuPont
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Biobutanol has a higher energy density than ethanol and can be blended at higher ratios with gasoline. It can also be transported by pipeline, a major hurdle facing ethanol shippers, who must rely on trains, trucks or barges.
Car engines have also shown they tolerate more butanol in the gasoline mix than ethanol, Connelly said.
Labels: alternative fuels, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 11:34 PM  |
Flexfuel Makes Brazil Self Sufficient For It's Energy Needs
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Ethanol in Brazil is used in two ways: either blended in a mix of 75% gasoline and 25% ethanol or as pure ethanol pumped directly into a car’s fuel tank. On any given day, motorists across Brazil can stand in front of a pump and decide, based on price, whether they want to put ethanol or gasoline into their “flex-fuel” car engine, or whether they want to blend the two fuels.
The “flex-fuel” vehicles work on any mixture or combination of ethanol and gasoline, so that a motorist can literally put some gasoline in the tank, and later add any quantity of ethanol to the same tank.
In 2006, 80% of light vehicle sales in Brazil were “flex-fuel”. For this basic reason, Brazil has now become self sufficient for its energy needs, with sugar-based ethanol providing 40% of its automotive fuel needs, or 20% of its total energy needs.
Labels: alternative fuels, efficiency, ethanol |
posted by speedquill @ 11:37 AM  |
The Easy Reference For Anyone Wanting To Build Their Own Solar Energy System
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Jan 14, 2008 |
Here is an online reference for anyone wanting to understand and installing your own solar electric system. It's a reference book that you can not afford to be without, if you are at all interested in solar electric systems. With the information contained in this ebook, if you are at all handy with tools, you should be well on your way to installing your own moderate sized solar electric system. Even if you're not the handyman type or simply don't have the time to do the actual installation, the knowledge gained from this ebook will allow you to figure out the size of system you need. Labels: alternative energy, solar, sustainability |
posted by speedquill @ 3:30 AM  |
We Need A More Appropriate Funding Share For Solar Research
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Scientists long ago calculated that an hour’s worth of the sunlight bathing the planet held far more energy than humans worldwide could use in a year, and the first practical devices for converting light to electricity were designed more than half a century ago.
Yet research on solar power and methods for storing intermittent energy has long received less spending, both in the United States and in other industrialized countries, than energy options with more political support.
Indeed, there are few major programs looking for ways to drastically reduce the cost of converting sunlight to energy and — of equal if not more importance — of efficiently storing it for when the sun is not shining.
Labels: alternative energy, global warming, solar |
posted by speedquill @ 2:01 AM  |
This Should Be Every Street Light
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Jan 12, 2008 |
Solar Wind Technologies LLC configured the system using solar panels, a small wind turbine, batteries and a special lamp, all mounted to a regular light pole. With and a small wind turbine and battery backup.
“This is a great application for the city,” said Mike Correale of Solar Wind Technologies LLC. “With a solar and wind hybrid system, we can extract energy from the sun or the wind, both of which are prominent here in North Texas, generating clean, green energy.” The cost of the solar/wind power system is about $6,600 a pole, but the cost to extend utilities and the average monthly electrical cost of about $400 a pole per year is saved since the light pole doesnt use electricity. Additionally, when the power is out, the light will still be on at night. Labels: renewables, solar, wind power |
posted by speedquill @ 1:43 AM  |
Safely Site And Install Your Wind Powered Renewable Energy System
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Wind Energy Basics is an excellent introduction to wind power for educational programs concerned with state-of-the-art renewable energy options, and will be indispensable for those considering today's generation of quiet, efficient, and reliable "micro" wind turbines. |
posted by speedquill @ 1:40 PM  |
An Excellent Anology Of What We appear To Be Doing About Climate Change
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What would you say if you were on a ship awash in water to the gunwales, and a few people are desperately trying to bail out the ship with a tin cup - while many others are cutting huge gaping holes in the hull with chain saws. You would no doubt think that these people have gone nuts, that they are out of their minds, and that the whole thing is some insanely crazy farce.
For an excellent explanation of carbon sinks click here. |
posted by speedquill @ 2:35 AM  |
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